
Showing posts from August, 2022


 Today Mr. Rease wasn’t here so didn’t have a lesson today. However we did have a worksheet about Emily Dickinson’s quotes and their themes. Also how they could be used to characterize people or initiate a conflict.


 Today we talked about falling in love with somebody and how hard it can be to get over them. Also I learned that if ur heart doesn’t get over the person then you won’t emotionally. I never been in love before but I have lost somebody I cared about and I can image that is kind of the same feeling.


 Today we learned about the different perspective of life through a poem. Also by scientific research. Also we got to hear how a black hole sounds. Then we broke down the meaning of a poem and connected with something that happened in our lives.

8/29 Bellringer

 What I think there is a probability of life outside of earth. My reaction to seeing earth from Mars is surprising because from Mars earth is just a little dot. There is no real definition that is made out from that point of view. Next my reaction to the sound of a black hole was skeptical because how do I know that a black hole really sounds like that and it wasn’t tampered with. This puts my life into perspective to see that our life is really small compared to what is really out there.


 I was absent from class.


 Today we learned the meaning of rhetoric. Also different rhetorical situations that can help us dissect a speech and it’s purpose. We used the acronym space cat to find out the rhetorical situations of a text. Lastly, I learned that exigence is the influence that made the speaker write about the event.

12 sentence story

 This is what we did in Mr. Rease class today.


 Today we learned about the 3 rhetorical appeals(logos, pathos, and ethos). Mr. Rease proposed to the class the option of having a free day on Friday. We should have a free day on Friday because it is the end of the week, we all want to go home and relax, and I know that you wouldn’t want to have to grade assignments at home when you could be spending time with your family making memories. Also by giving us a free day it will give you and us time to catch up on work and grades. Lastly, previously when I had free days in classes it made the day more enjoyable and go by quicker.


 Today’s lesson was good but I was honesty tired and zoning out a little. I did hear most of the reading about the text and how there was biblical allusion throughout the text. Also how you need to have common sense of the Bible to understand the biblical allusions. Next, today we went over the definitions of myth, legend, and religion and how they are used. Then how they are told throughout our lives.


 My claim is wigs and hair weave are creepy. Wigs and hair weave are creepy because some of them are made from human or animal hair. The thought of having someone else’s or an animals hair on your head is a little disturbing. Also they are creepy when they are on display on the mannequin heads. For instance, some people say that when they have hair weave or wigs on the feel like a different person or a new version of theirselves and I find that creepy is because they probably feel different because it’s not their hair and somebody else technically had it before them.


 Todays concept was how looks can be deceiving. We watched a video showing how a man in elevator number one with people that exceeded the weight limit changed to another elevator with skinny people. However those people had sicknesses. Also we learned that everything can be arguable or turned into an argument in some way.

My purpose

 My purpose in life is to be an entrepreneur and better the environment. I want to become an environmental engineer so I can develop more ways to help turn the environment into a more proficient environment. Also I would like to create meaningful ways to clean the air and mentality of the environment.  Since I am good at science and somewhat decent at math this career suited me the best along with my passion.


 Today I learned the different type of people you can be in the world. For example you can be the person who stands up for what they believe in, the person who says nothing even they they know something is wrong, or the person who goes with the flow. Personally I would be a mixture of standing up for myself and saying nothing depending on the situation. However, I would love to lean over towards standing up for myself more. 


 Today I learned that no matter how smart you are effort gets you farther. Also today we increased my knowledge of informal and formal language. Before the lesson I already knew that you used informal language when having a regular conversation and formal language when the situation is more professional. However, when the lesson ended I realized that depending on the type of essay you do first person and second person pronouns should be avoided when writing formally. 


 My name is Sydni Neal and I am 16 years old. I go to Cedar Grove High School and I was born and raised in Georgia. What I like to do for fun is watch YouTube, play video games, play basketball, and travel. Three goals that I want to achieve this year is get all A’s, do good on all my ap test, and be less stressed than last year.