
Showing posts from September, 2022


 Today we was in first period all day. I did a little of my social studies work and for the rest of the day did nothing. We watched two movies, played Pictionary, and played games on my phone. Also we had D lunch since I was in the social studies hallway. Lastly we ended the day off by going into the gym for dismissal.


 Today we had a regular day. There was no lockdown this time. So I’m class we did a Bellringer about culture and how we feel like we are portrayed in our culture or should act. Then after that we read the play fences till the end of the class. During reading we found out the plot of the play and what led up to it. We didn’t finish the play today but while we read the play we answered about two questions.


 Today we was on lockdown because of a threat at the school. Therefore we did not got to 4th period. We stayed in second period for the rest of the day. So for the most part it was a chill day because of the lockdown.


 Today we was only in class for about 20 minutes because of picture day. For the whole class we did the one pager presentations. I didn’t do my presentation today but I will tomorrow. Today was mostly a chill period because of how much time we had in class.


 Today we took notes on the seven elements of culture. I learned that the seven elements are social organization, customs and traditions, language, arts, religion, government, and economic systems. Also I learned their main definitions, examples of them, and how it may differ between people/cultures. Next, we read some more of the play fences. That took us through the rest of the period.

9/26 Bellringer

 What I know about Latino culture is their food and traditions with families. What I would like to know is is more about their cultural background.

One pager



 Today we turned in our one pagers. Also we started reading a play title Fences. Each person read their part of the play and we only got through the first couple of pages but right now we can see the dynamic between the two main characters. Next today we moved seats and I moved to where I can actually se the board.


 Today was kind of a free day but not really. We did have an assignment about the story “The Rockpile” and we had to answer 6 questions. They were pretty easy and a good assignment to end a Friday with. We had a different substitute than Thursday in the class today. When I finished the assignment I just went on my phone and talked to my friends the rest of the class period.


 Today Mr. Rease wasn’t here. So today we worked on our one pager for the whole classroom. Also today was kind of like a free day because we had no lesson at the beginning of class. Next when we got in the class we had to sign an attendance list because we had a substitute in there with us.


 Today what we did was a pop quiz on the story we read. Also during the quiz we had a time limit on how long we could answer the question because we went over them afterwards. During the quiz I used the skills Mr. Rease taught by eliminating the clear wrong answers and choosing from there. At the end of the test I think I only got four wrong so I did okay on the quiz.


 Today we wrote a new ending of the story “The Rockpile”since it ending with a cliffhanger. How I ended mine was with the father leaving angrily because of his actions. Also today we got started on our one pager about the story. We went over the rubric and looked at some examples of some that can give us inspiration.

Rockpile New Ending

 Gabriel looks at John picking up the lunchbox.“Hurry up boy what’s taking you so long. Do I need to help you?” Gabriel expressed. John frantically picked up the lunch box and as he was about to get up he felt a kick in his mouth. John drops the lunchbox and starts crying holding his mouth, and runs over to his mom. “Where was your big eyes to see that coming Elizabeth” Gabriel laughed. Elizabeth held John tightly and demanded that Gabriel leave the house. Gabriel slammed the door and the house remained silent the rest of the night.

Poem 10/12



 Today we talked about neighborhoods. We told how the environment of our neighborhood is and later discussed reputation’s of neighborhoods. Then we read a story about a not so good neighborhood and how down the street was a rock pile where people didn’t want there kids to go. Everything happened at the rock pile like fights and bad activities. 

Sept. 12 Bellringer

 My neighborhood is what I would say a good neighborhood. It is for the most part peaceful and nothing really stands out about it. However we do have a cursed house where only people rent it and every time somebody lives in it two months later they are in some time of altercation with the police. My parents do allow me to go outside but I don’t go outside to see other people I usually stay in my backyard. 


 Today we read a story called ambush. We read the story and answered some multiple choice questions after. Also we wrote some definitions of words in the story. The main topic that we talked about today was veterans/soldiers and the post experiences they may have after. For instance some may have visions of what happened and ptsd.

Sept 9th Bellringer

One person that I know that is a veteran is my dad. He does have post experiences that effect him in everyday life. For instance he has a constant ringing in his ears that does not go away which makes it hard for him to hear. That is the only thing that I know that he struggles with but I do know many other veterans have worse trauma.


 Today we took the rest of the benchmark. It took the whole period like yesterday but today I didn’t finish. I only finished two paragraphs on the last question and the third one I had to rush. Lastly, today we had a discussion before the test of the criteria for our constructed response format.


 Today we did the benchmark test for the whole class period. I didn’t finish but I will be able to continue it tomorrow. There wasn’t any lesson because of how much time the benchmark took.


 Today we finished off the Emily Dickinson assessment for the whole class. However, we did watch a video on her life and did and assignment in that. We wrote down facts and questions we had on the video.


 Today we did an assessment so we did not have a lesson. However we did talk about the Emily Dickinson worksheet that we were given.


 Today we did not go to 4th period because we were in lockdown. We stayed in 3rd period the rest of the day so we didn’t do a lesson.