
Showing posts from January, 2023


 Today we worked on our group project. We read over the step we was going to do today and an example introduction. Today we picked a subtopic for our introduction to introduce. When we wrote our introduction we had Mr. Rease check it to make revisions. For my group we got a pretty good introduction that only needs to be edited a tiny bit.


 Today we got split into groups for a research project we are doing. We went over the different steps we will complete during this project. We chose from different topics and that determined our group. My group got the topic parenting styles. Our activity for today was make a cluster and that was the activity for the whole class period. 


 Today I didn’t do nothing in class. I went to the junior conference meeting about next year. I was there the whole period so I didn’t go back to class. That was the whole period.


 Today we practiced how to writes a paragraph by using a claim and writing evidence. We got back our papers and picked a claim from which one we wrote. Then we explained our evidence we found among our sources. Now some people left early for a reading rally so therefore we had to cut class early. 


 Today we took a quiz on chapter 5. We were suppose to read chapter 5 yesterday because of the quiz today. I didn’t read so I just guessed in the quiz. After we turned it in we went over the answers. This took us till the end of class and then it was time to go. 


 Today we got 4 pieces of papers that we worked on. We worked on making claims and finding evidence for the claim efficiently. For the prompt we make up 4 claims and learned how to skim through the text to find evidence. Also while skimming through the text we determined which ones were valuable to our claims and not valuable. We did this the whole period and then we were assigned to read chapter 5 as homework. 


 Today in class we were tasked to finish up what we started yesterday. Also Mr.Rease was not here so we had a sub. I didn’t finish the assignment in class but I finished it at home.For some of the class though we did chill and talk. 


 Today we read more of the book Wild. While we read the book we answered some questions as we read. We read the third and fourth chapter today and finally got to the character beginning the trail. This assignment lasted the whole class period. However, we did not finish all of the questions today but we will continue it on Monday. 


 Today Mr. Rease was not here. We went to Ms.Calloway room and did the work left for us. Also we just chilled and talked for the whole period. 


 Today we read more of the book “Wild”. We did a worksheet while we were reading that we had to do. We had to create themes, define words, and state Cheryl’s actions. In the middle we watched a brief video about the OJ Simpson trial because it was mentioned in the book. That was the assignment for the whole class period.  


 Today we did an activity pertaining the PCT Trail. We were spilt into groups and had to do research on the trail. I was in group 4 and we had to research different campsites in different areas of the trail. Then my group described the campsites and at the end every group presented. That took us till the end of class. 


 Today we did a bellringer on how we would rewrite our past. Then we continued to read the book “Wild”. However during the reading we wrote some critical thinking questions to go with the pages we read. We answered the questions we wrote and that took the rest of the classroom. After that we waited for dismissal for the end of the day. 

Rewriting my past

The part of my past I would like to rewrite is when I had anger issues and got mad very easily at everything. When I was young every little thing would set me off into a mad frenzy.  I would rewrite this by not taking people’s opinions to heart. Also ignoring the people who purposely try to make me mad or feel mess with me. 


 Today we did a bellringer on aloneness. We listed the pros and cons of being alone and we watched a video with Oprah. We wrote how aloneness can be empowering. Then we started reading the book wild again. We kind of jumped some pages but so far the book has been about flashbacks and backstories. Then we ended class early after reading.


 Pros: You get to self reflect, limit distractions, peace, recharge your brain, No judgment, Freedom Cons: Feel isolated, can make u feel depressed, Boredom, Really see your insecurities, no one to discuss your problems with anyone Being alone can be empowering because it makes u feel a sense of freedom. You can forget every responsibility in the moment and focus on you. When being alone u can self reflect on you as a person and no one can judge you for it. This can be empowering because it will help me figure out what I should do next to better myself.


 Today we went over another rhetorical device. We went over what a rhetorical question was and provided three examples of it. Then we started reading the book Wild. In between reading we would analyze what we read. The reading took us to the end of class.


 Today we had an 11th grade meeting to go to so class was cut short. However we did do a bellringer when we first entered class. We had to tell a life changing event that has happened to us. Then after that we started reading the book “Wild”. While we were reading we would stop and analyze what we reading and the meaning. That took us to the end of class.

1/10 Bellringer

 I felt like my life completely changed when my cousin died. This was not too long ago and I never use to see him as often because he lived in Alabama but I still had a pretty good connection with him. When I heard the news I was extremely sad and didn’t know how a person like him could die so young. What I wanted to do after hearing the news was go down to Alabama and be with my aunt but I couldn’t because I still had to go to school. 


 Today we talked about hiking . We listed 10 important items we would bring. Then we talked about a trip we would possible do which is taking a hike. Before this we did a bellringer. The bellringer was what two rhetorical devices we liked to use.

1/9 bellringer

 The rhetorical devices I liked were understatement and hyperbole. An example of hyperbole is school days are so long they feel like 100 years. An example of understatement is my friend is no ordinary person which may be why everyone likes her.


 Today we went over some more rhetorical devices. We did some examples together as a class and explained them. We talked did that for the whole class period. Each person took a turn to do a rhetorical device. We had no bellringer or exit ticket.


 Today we went over the new rules the school was implementing. It consisted of tardy consequences and hall passes. Then we got a book and went over two rhetorical devices. We went over hyperbole first and then list some examples afterwards. Then we did the same with understatement.  We stopped there and that was the end of class.


 How I can improve as a student is by not procrastinating as much. Also I can improve on my focus in class because when I get bored I tend to drift off into think about stuff that don’t pertain to the class. Some things I did in 2022 that I will not do this year is procrastinate , stress myself out too much, and become lazy as the year goes on. For me to be successful I would like for Mr. Rease to be more thorough in explaining topics.