
Showing posts from March, 2023


 Today we did book work for the whole period. Since we are going on spring break we didn’t learn anything new. We did to exercises for two different rhetorical devices. We did the rhetorical devices climax and parallelism. We got done with everything at 3:00 and Mr. Rease asked for our papers. Overall this was a chill class period and was good for a Friday. 


 Today Mr. Rease was not here. Therefore, we did work from the vocabulary book. We was done awfully quick and it wasn’t hard at all. That’s what we did for the whole period. Also when we finished we chilled for the rest of the period and talked. 


 Today when we came to class we had to move our desk in a circle. Then we were handed three sheets and we learned how to start and plan an rhetorical analysis essay.We started off by reading our source which was a eulogy about Ronald Reagan from one of his friend “Margaret Thatcher”. Then we annotated the eulogy and did 4 steps in planning our rhetorical analysis essay. We didn’t write the essay today but we just did the planning to get the feel in what we will have to do on the ap test. That was what we did and we ended around 3:00 and chilled for the rest of the period.


 Today for the whole class we did one assignment. We did this on our own however I did not finish it by the end of class. We had to do a total 3 exercises that took quite some time. I only got through one exercise and I started on the second one. The second one I was struggling in but I eventually figure out how to do it. That was the whole class period and it was a really easy workload day today.


 Today we went over another rhetorical device. The rhetorical device was eponym. We did exercise 1 and had to define who each person was. Then we looked at all the different people like Marilyn Monroe and Robert Kennedy. We then wrote sentences on three of the people and that’s how we ended class. 


 Today we watched movie clips and had to identify the rhetorical devices. We are preparing for a test on Monday so this is was kind of a review. We had to identify the purpose of the scenes and the audience. We did about 8 of those on paper then we ran out of space so we did the rest out loud. We ended class with around 15 minutes left like usual and we played hangman for that time period. Then it was the end of class and we went home.


 Today we took notes on the components of crisis rhetoric and rhetoric of place. Then we read Donald Trunp’s Boarder Crisis Speech. We annotated the speech and filled out a worksheet of rhetorical devices. We went over everything at throughout us doing this assignment so it wasn’t a hard assignment. 


 Today we did workbook work. We looked over two new rhetorical devices. Those devices were allusion and analogy. We did exercises for both but we didn’t have to turn it in because nobody finished. That was what we did for the whole period for today.


 Today we did one assignment for the whole period. We read and listened to the MLK’s “I Have a Dream” speech. While we did that we had a paper and we wrote down the rhetorical devices he used throughout his speech and were it came from in the speech. Then we wrote down the purported of him using each device. We learned two new devices which were a antithesis and a hypophora also. Then we turned in our papers and talked for the last few minutes of class.


 Today we took notes almost the whole class period. We had the choice to either write them or type them. I typed them and we looked at rhetorical techniques. Also we went over how to write a rhetorical analysis. Lastly we went over syntax since we didn’t know what it was. That was the whole period and we did nothing for the last 15 minutes of class.


 Today I worked on the rhetorical devices work from yesterday. I had a lot to do today since I wasn’t in class yesterday. Also in class today Mr.Rease went over my synthesis essay with me and what my grade would have been. The main cause of my grade was lack of time management when I was doing the essay. The parts I took my time doing I did very good on but the parts where I was rushing u can clearly tell. However, I learned ways to make my essay better and meet the criteria for the ap test. That was the whole period for today.


 Today I wasn’t in class for the lesson. I went on a field trip to the zoo and didn’t come back till half of the class. Then when I got back to the school I went to the softball meeting. Therefore I didn’t go to class at all today.


  Today we did an activity to practice us answering multiple choice. First we did a bellringer telling what we learned about our selves when answering multiple choice. Then we read a passage and created question then we provided answers that would possibly be on a multiple choice questions. After did about 4 question we picked the best answers choice out of them and that’s how we ended the period.

3/15 bellringer

 I learned that I take a long time to answer easy questions.  I learned that with questions I need decipher and underline words before trying to answer it.  I learned that I shouldn’t think to hard about questions.  I learned that I do better with process of elimination.  I learned that usually my first choice is the right choice.


 Today we got another article that we had to read. Throughout the reading we had to highlight what we thought would be important and understand the passage. After we did that we played 5 corners and each corner had an assigned letter and as we answered questions we had to go to the corner.  We only did about 6 questions before we wrapped that up. After that we chilled for the rest of the period.


 Today we came into class and we discussed our definition of a husband and wife. We shared our definitions then we read her essay on what the author wants in a wife. That took us a good amount of time to read, then after we read that we had to write down what a husband should do but they don’t want to do. We had to give 5 examples of that then we turned our papers in at the end of class. That was what we did for the whole period.


 Today we did not got to school physically. However we had virtual learning. For first period I did the work for today and second period I watched videos on ap classroom. Third period I caught up on some work and fourth period I did this blog. I was in my bed most of the day and it felt good to just chill on a Friday. That was my day for today.


 Today we wrote our essay. We took the first few minutes of the class chilling and getting prepared. Then we had the tears of the class period to do our essay on a whole different group topic. I didn’t finish my five paragraphs but I was very close. That’s was the whole period today.


 Today we went over the calendar for testing in the next few months. Then we went over the grading system for the ap testing free response portion. We graded a response and we had to guess what their score was. I didn’t guess it right but I was close. We did that for the whole period and discussed how we would be doing our essay tomorrow. 


 Today we went over our prompts that we did a while back. Mr. Rease went over to everyone’s group and checked over the prompt. My group didn’t have nothing to change really so we got done with that step easily. Then we had to copy down what was on the paper he gave us and we had to share it with him. That was what we did for the whole class period and then it was time to go.


 Today we did an assignment that lasted the whole class period. Fat we got some chart paper and made for sections for 4 groups. We then had to pick a side for if print and cursive should still be taught and we had to go to all four groups with different sources to back up our position we took. We had seven minutes and sometimes more to write down a claim and two pieces of evidence. That was all we did today therefore it was a good class period.


 Today we did more of our annotation assignment. I finished two more annotation therefore I don’t have very much to do. We did that the whole class period and Mr. Rease walked around to see if anyone needed help. It was overall a good day today and a very chill day. 


 Today we did a simple assignment since the wifi was down. The assignment was about locavores and the difficulty on doing a movement as a community. At first we created some problems then we looked at to two sources and picked the one that best support our sources. We then had to state a evidence, claim, and explanation.  That’s what we did for the whole class period. 


 Today we worked on the assignment we did from yesterday. I completed another annotation and then there was a parade for the boys basketball team. We did that for most all the period then we came back and chilled. That was the whole period.