
Showing posts from April, 2023


 Today was more of an amnesty day. Also Mr. Rease was not here today.  We took time to do any missing work for any of our classes. Since I didn’t have any work to do I started studying for my ap environmental science exam. I did that for most of the class period then I chilled for the rest of the period. 


 Today we did a prompt assignment. This assignment we did for the whole class period. First we read the prompt on a local university banning phones for 48 hours for first year students so they can make new friends. We either supported the idea, contradicted the idea, or disagreed with the idea. I chose to support the idea and we typed out an introduction and body paragraph on illuminate. After we finished that we turned it in and we ended the class period. 


 Today all we did was present projects. My group went second and I think we did good. The presentations took up the whole class period and us answering questions created some debates. That’s all we did until the bell rang for dismissal. Today overall was a good day and every class went by quickly. 


 Today class was cut short because of testing. Therefore we only had maybe an hour in class today. Today we spent our class period presenting our projects. Only two groups presented today and my group was not one of those groups. We will continue presentations tomorrow with the remaining groups but overall this class period was very chill and a good way to end the day. 


 Today we talked about what we are going to do for the week because the schedules are going to be changed. Then we worked on our project for the rest of the period. Today my group got more on the slides and working on getting the video on the slide too. We didn’t finish the questions for one slide but that will be finished at home. We gotta present tomorrow so this project will have to be finished today. That is all we did in class today. 


 Today we worked on our group project again. While we did that Mr. Rease went over the project for the people who wasn’t here yesterday. Today we had to put two articles for our topic in a folder for our project. My group did complete that and made progress on the project. We started our PowerPoint and will finish it when we get back on Monday. That was all we did today in class. 


 Today we went over our project we was gonna do. We read of what we will need to do for the project. First we got split into groups by a randomizer.  Then each group got chosen an topic by the spinning wheel. Once we got in our groups we started on looking for the information for the project. While we were doing this Mr. Rease kept calling people over to discuss their scores on the essay.  That was what we did today. 


 Today we started off with a bellringer in his class. We had to give an estimate on how much we will spend in a day if we were and adult. The we got a prompt on if people don’t buy any good what implications will come with it  we listed 5 good implications and bad implications. 


 Today I was absent in class today. I got checked out early.


 Today in Mr. Rease class we started off with a bellringer. We had to define perfection and tell what we wanted to perfect in our lives. Everyone wrote what they put on the board and then we explained why we chose it. Then we started an assignment that took us mostly to the end of class. The assignment was we had to take a position on the value for striving for perfection. We discussed that the whole class period. 


 Today was chilled day in Mr. Rease class. Mr. Rease had a book full of questions and we had to pick a number to determine what questions he will ask. Many of those questions were good critical questions and I had fun answering those. That was all we did for the whole period and then we relaxed for the last 10 minutes. Overall this was a Good Friday and I’m glad that’s it’s the weekend. 


 Today we did one assignment. We went on illuminate and  told 5 things we need to work on while taking test. After that Mr. Rease picked people’s questions so we can answer them. That was what we did for the whole class period. Then Mr. Rease left the class and Ms. Cook came in to watch us. 


 Today we wrote a rhetorical essay by ourself. We had 40 minutes to read Green’s speech about how African Americans should join the Union force and write the essay. I didn’t finish the essay how I would like it  so I had to conclude the essay in the last few seconds. That is all we did for the whole period. That one assignment took most of the class and the last 10 minutes of class we did nothing. 


 Today we went over how to write a rhetorical analysis essay. We read Barack Obama’s address about Rosa Parks statue. The main theme of this address was honoring Rosa Parks and her accomplishments. After we read that we listed rhetorical devices/choices that was used in the address. Then we created our thesis statement from the text. That’s all we did in class today and we ended it a little early. 


 Today Mr. Rease was not here. Therefore we didn’t do much in class. We were assigned a text to read and answer questions that were based on the text. That was all we did for the whole class period until it was time to go. Also we talked and chilled during class too while we worked on the assignment.