
Showing posts from May, 2023


 Today I was not in Mr. Rease class. Early in the morning I was at the senior practice because I am a junior Marshall. Then I was at my junior activity. We watched the new ant man and we had barbecue food. It was very good and after the movie my friends and I played spoons. We played that till the end of the school day. 


 Today I was not in class today. At the beginning of class I told Mr. Rease I had something to do for junior Marshall’s. We had to set up chairs for the graduation practice. That took quite some time because some of the chairs weren’t cooperating and we had to align each row. We did this for quite some time and then the day was over. Today was very chill overall and I’m so ready to be done with school this year. 


 Today was basically like yesterday. We watched an episode of a show and had snacks. The assignment for this was we were each assigned to some questions and we had to answer it from the episode. The episode was Nosedive from Black Mirror and it was a pretty good episode. I would like to watch more of the episodes honestly. That was all for today and it was very simple. 


 Today we finished the film Inception. Also we finished the worksheet we have been working on and we answered some discussion questions. That took the whole class period and we had no extra time like other days. However, Mr. Rease did bring us chips, Oreos, and 7 up to eat and drink during the film. Overall  todays class was good and chill. 


 Today I had to take my final in class. Since I am a junior Marshall my final had to be moved to an earlier date. During the test which I felt like I did ok on we had a fire drill. We were only out there for a few minutes but it felt like a long time because it was hot. After I finished the test we had popcorn and drinks and we almost finished watching the film from Friday. That was all we did today and then it was time to go. 


 Today we watched another film. However this film was different and it was about how dreams and real life can mess with a persons head. We had a sheet of paper and we had to write down important things from the movie. We only watched the first half today and on Monday we will finish the movie. After that class was basically over. 


 Today we finished watching the film “Psycho”. Also we finished the questions that we didn’t answer yesterday. The movie was honestly a good movie for it to be black and white. However, the acting was funny for it to be a horror movie. That’s what we did and once we were done and we still had 20 minutes left. Those 20 minutes we did nothing and just talked. 


 Today we watched a film called psycho. Also we had questions we had to answer on the film. It’s was very easy and a good assignment. Throughout answering the questions we did stop for a second to discuss them.That was all we did today until dismissal  


 Today we did nothing in Mr. Rease class. His exam was today so it was a free day. We played a game called among us the whole period. Today was a very free and h stressful day overall. Lastly, Mr. Rease briefly talked about our final and what day it would be on. 


Today in Mr. Rease class I did nothing. The reason for that is because since I’m not taking his exam he had nothing for me. However, the people who are taking the exam went over some papers they had to prepare for the exam tomorrow. Mr. Rease also told us for the people who are not taking his exam has a final. Personally I feel that is not needed but I’m not surprised. After that he ended class at around 2:30 so we talked afterward. 


 Today I got to Mr. Rease class late. I had testing for US History and I went to my basketball teammates college signing. I got to Mr. Rease class in the last 30 minutes and we played a game for extra points. I ended up getting 13 points from the game and then it was time to go. Overall today was good and very laid back. 


 Today I was not in class because I had to take my ap Statistics exam. The exam lasted until when school was over. 


 Today was a very chill day in class. All we did is go over different prompts and sources. We discussed them in preparation for the ap lang exam. We ended class early at 2:48 and the rest of the period we did nothing. Then we got dismissed and I was ready to go home. 


 Today was very boring. We had to practice the multiple choice questions for the ap exam. We only did a few questions but it took up the whole class period. I was trying to go to sleep because I took an ap test for basically two period but I couldn’t. Therefore, today really sucked and I was happy when it was time to go home. 


 Today was an easy day in class. We went on illuminate and we’re preparing for the ap exam test. We read a prompt and we had to type a thesis statement and type a body paragraph. We did that on if grit lead to achieving more instead of talent and intelligence. We did that till the end of class and then had to submit it.