
Showing posts from December, 2022


 Today I was not in 4th period. I left from second period and went straight to my coaches class. The reason for this was we had a game. The whole day in general was a chill day and now we are on Christmas break. I am very excited to not have school and lay down for once.


 Today was a chill day. We played uno and talked. Others played just dance and other dancing games. That was the whole period until we had to go.


 Today we watched the Color Purple for the whole period. Also if today was the last day to do any missing work. I finished a missing assignment which surprisingly took the whole period because I had to read an article. After I finished Mr. Rease put the grade in and that boosted my grade a lot. Now I am very happy with my grade in his class.


 Today we took the final for Mr.Rease class. The final was on the color purple and we did it on paper then electronically. After everyone finished we went over the answers. I didn’t do as well as I liked on the final but I’m just happy my grade is still in the 90’s. This took mostly the whole period but after we went over the answers we relaxed.


 Today mr.Rease was not here. We had a sub and we were tasked to do any missing work and the extra credit. The extra credit was not mandatory but recommended. During class we had a fire drill that only lasted a couple of minutes. After the fire drill we just talked and relaxed for the rest of the period.


 Today was the same as yesterday it was a free day. We did nothing and just chilled and talked with each other. Today in class though we were playing games and having a fun time.


 Today we did nothing but chill in class. The only rule we had was don’t be too loud. For the whole period we talked and was on our phones.


 Today we did nothing in class. We did the first part of the eoc today and it really wasn’t bad at all. Since we did that it was a free day in class. As soon as we got in class we just chilled for the rest of the period till it was time to go home.


 Today was a virtual learning day. It was a teacher work day all we had to do today was login for our attendance by a form. I took the time today to go over the strategies  to answer multiple questions and write essays. Tomorrow is the test so today was more of a chill day for reviewing. That’s all that happened for the class period we were in for virtual learning.


 Today we went over the tools used on our test. We went through what each tool was and how we can use them to benefit us on the test. Next we went over what we should do before the test and prepare for taking the test. Then we watched a video on stress. The video talked about how u could manage stress, the signs, and causes of stress. While we watched the video we did a 3,2,1 assignment that was due at the end of class.  


 Today we talked about how to answer multiple choice answers for our EOC. For the bellringer we wrote down the steps and strategies to answer the multiple choice questions. Then we practiced on two poems. During that we learned how to figure out the rhyme scheme in a poem. When we finished that we ended the class early. For the rest of class we did nothing.


 Today we did another layout on how to write and essay. Today we got started in the outline of an informative essay. In the beginning of class we did a bellringer introducing the topic of college and loans. Then we read both of the passages provided with information on the topic. After that we listed some things college and loans can do to graduates and facts from both passages.